

Fact Sheets & Presentations

Virtual Information Session

A virtual information session was held on February 21, 2024, by the BC Environmental Assessment Office and the Canadian Impact Assessment Agency. The session was part of the public comment period at the start of the Technical Review of NWP’s combined Environmental Impact Assessment Certificate Application and Environmental Impact Statement. 

Municipal Presentations

Note: Similar presentations are made to other governments including the District of Elkford, the Regional Municipality of Crowsnest Pass, the City of Fernie, and the Regional District of East Kootenay. Sparwood’s presentations are provided as they post recordings of their meetings.

Conference Presentations

NWP has presented recently to the Coal Association of Canada for industry peers, suppliers, and analysts.

Technical Presentations

Jameson Resources, as a co-owner of NWP Coal, produces presentations for shareholders, the Australian Securities Exchange, and potential customers.

Fact Sheet