


NWP is dedicated to the conception and execution of a Project that prioritizes environmental responsibility. We are committed to incorporating environmental controls right from the project’s inception. The overarching goal is to proactively prevent environmental impacts, aligning with the common interest of avoiding cleanup efforts later. 

Our commitment to environmental stewardship extends beyond regulatory requirements; NWP envisions becoming an integral part of the local community, striving to be good neighbours in the areas we operate. A crucial aspect of this commitment involves active engagement with Indigenous peoples, local communities, and stakeholders. Part of that process will be through engagement by listening to Indigenous peoples, local communities and stakeholders about their environmental interests and concerns. 

NWP Coal is committed to designing and operating a better Project. 
We act on that commitment by:

  • Completing environmental baseline studies throughout the Project area and region
  • Completing advanced wildlife models that go beyond the ‘typical’: Our modelled area is large enough to understand differences and pressures across the region, reaching from the Rocky Mountain Trench to the Eastern slopes of the Rockies in Alberta; Our models account for the actual presence of wildlife rather than extrapolating presence from habitat alone; Our models are being verified and adjusted by integrating different sources of data including camera data, hair snag data, aerial wildlife surveys.
  • Participating in and supporting regional environmental cumulative effects management efforts
  • Understanding Cumulative Effects in the Elk Valley
  • Designing key environmental mitigation efforts right from the start: NWP is committed to a source control approach for waste rock storage; Tailings will be dried and used as part of the source control efforts; Clean coal will be stored under cover to substantially reduce dust from the storage and loading of clean coal; Footprint will be reduced and managed to maintain wildlife connectivity and to facilitate appropriate recreational use.
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